You hit two months old and can't stop smiling. It really is a sight your dad and I can look at all day, every day. I feel joy, pride, excitement, satisfaction, and peace all at once when you smile at me. What strikes me is that I have no idea what you are smiling about. Is it the funny face I make or the high pitch voices I use when talking to you? Or maybe you just have gas? No matter what it is, I know that your smile will always bring me peace. And that got me thinking. Will I always feel so happy when I see you smile? I think the answer is yes. All of your grandparents did everything they could to make your Dad and I happy, comfortable, I'm sure they get great joy in seeing us smile too. I am pretty sure it never gets old, which is fine by me. So, keep smiling little one, because your happiness means the world to me and your dad, and we will always do everything we can to make you happy.

Ella Jane - 8 weeks
Ella Jane - 9 weeks
Her smile makes me smile!