We were starting to notice that she would be really upset after each feeding. That, and the fact that she didn't seem to be putting on weight, was a concern. So, after a few days of stress and panic, we decided something needed to change. I have been committed to breastfeeding since day one, but if it wasn't going to satisfy my girl, then I'd happily go to plan B.
So after a consultation with my lactation consultant neighbor, which got me no where, a pep talk from some neighbors, and guidance from my doctor, we decided to make a final decision once we saw Ella's pediatrician, Dr. Fernandez. At her 2 month check up Ella only weighed 8 lbs 7oz, less than a pound from her birth weight. Something wasn't adding up...
When the dr came to see us he immediately told us that we needed to start supplementing. DONE! I asked for formula samples and was quickly reassured that we would all be okay. I am still nursing her, but adding extra calories to her diet. It really is a win/win situation. It has been such a relief to have our problem solved and to see how much of a difference extra food has done for Ella. She is relaxed, content, and generally happy. We have even gone on several outings this week!
Another Mommy lesson learned: Trust your instincts.
My Skinny-Minny waiting on Dr. Fernandez
So at 2 months Ella is : 8lbs 7 oz 24 inches long She is 10% in weight and 25% in height/length. We go back in two weeks to make sure she is packing on the lbs, which I am sure she is already.
Sadly, being underweight just is not in her genes...
Ella also got her 2 month shots. If I were a better mom, I would know which ones, but I trust the doctor... Poor thing was so happy until the nurse gave her two shots in each leg. She screamed, I cried, Jeff laughed. Classic.

Little does she know...shots are on their way

Still suspect of me - sporting 2 new band-aids
We are happy, relieved, grateful, and comforted to know that Ella is being fed and has overnight become a happy, content little baby. She is smiling all the time now and Jeff and are falling more in love with her every day.
Feeding your kid - who would've thought!?!?!?
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