To take on the very important responsibility of Godparents, we chose Tim and Angie, both who we felt would be great examples to Ella. Jeff and I were both honored to have them there, guiding our daughter in her own spiritual journey.

It was a special day for Jeff and I because we had the opportunity to baptize Ella at the same church we committed our lives to each other, as well as have the same Deacon who married us, baptize Ella. Deacon Ken Reisor performed the private ceremony and did a fabulous job. Deacon Ken has been there for us since the beginning, so it was extrememly important to us that he was there for us on Ella's special day.

Another special part of the day was the baptismal gown Ella wore. Passed down several generations, the gown has been worn by all of Ella's first cousins, myself, my mom, and Grandfather. It is a very special family heirloom that was brought over from Cuba.

We were so happy to have every one there to celebrate! We got some great family shots too.

After the baptism we headed to our house to have a little party. It was a great time and the kids had a blast! It was an all around great day with our families. A day that we wish could happen more often. Ella was a little wiped from her big day, so she napped during the party.
This picture of Ella and Grandpa was taken right before the "Spit-Up of 2010" where Ella nailed Grandpa's chin, very shy of his mouth. Sorry, Grandpa!

Thanks again to all of our friends and our family for coming to support Ella on such a special day. Every night as Jeff and I say our prayers with Ella we think of that day and how her baptism was the start of such a special relationship with God. We pray she finds her own way, but know we will all be there to support her.
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