You have continued to steal our hearts the past few weeks. Turning 3 months old was a big milestone for all of us and a scary reminder that you are growing way too fast. Although each day seems the same as the day before, you continue to teach me that every day is so different. You take me on a new adventure in parenthood with every laugh, kick, cry, and smile. You recently started batting your eye lashes which made your grip around your Dad's finger even tighter. Life has been so busy lately, but you are the first to remind us to count our blessings and take a step back. For that alone, I will always be so grateful.
The past few weeks you have found your feet, cooed, and smiled. You have started sleeping 7-8 hour stretches (thank goodness) each night and have been sleeping in your crib. We have marveled at you with each milestone and will continue to do so as you continue to change and grow.
Love you, my girl -
I couldn't just choose one picture, so I decided to include all of them from the past few weeks and a video for an addded bonus!

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