Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Belle of the Ball...and her Bobo

My Dad, who now answers to Bobo, loves to get dressed up. As long as I can remember he has loved to wear a suit (a quality which my brothers inherited) and he is usually the best dressed in the room. So when we got ready at his condo for New Year's Eve, I decided to give Bobo some competition.

As the daughter and the mother, I will say the bald one looks the best!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bright Future Ahead

Yesterday she threw a fit when I put these on her. Moral of the story - I can do just about anything to her, as long as I don't mess with her bottle.

Baby Ana! Baby Ana!

We are so excited to welcome Ella's newest baby cousin:

Ana Mercedes Coussirat

Ana made her debut January 21st at 2:30 pm weighing in at 6 lbs, 15 oz.

I was so happy to be there for the birth of my niece! In true form, Dan and Angie had to have a little bit of drama surrounding the birth, but nothing they couldn't handle. Angie went into labor unexpectedly on Christmas Day with Sofia, and with Ana Dan had a really bad case of the flu, making their first family photo quite memorable.

Sofia waited patiently for her baby sister with me and her Grandmother

And was so excited to see her Mommy and Daddy, and of course Wo0dy, Jesse, & Bullseye!

Earlier in the day I made a pit stop to the Disney store for Angie and Dan to get Sofia her "big sister" presents. The minute those were in her view, Sofia had bigger and better things to worry about than her baby sister. Although, the next day she took her big sister duties very seriously..


I was extremely proud of Angie for going through her first c-section like such a pro. She was alert, happy and up and about in no time. She is doing great - very proud and excited for her!

Tio Louis, Dan's mom Loretta, and I were all there to welcome the newest addition, making FIVE grandchildren for my dad and the fourth Granddaughter for Dan's mom. It's amazing how much our families have grown in the last few years.

I am such a proud Tia...I didn't want to let her go!

We are heading down to Houston soon so Ella and Uncle Jeff can meet Baby Ana. Angie and I are so excited to have "the girls" together and know that Ella and Ana will grow up to be the best of friends since they are only 6 months apart. And I know Matthew and Jakey will be great big boy cousins to all of them too. I can't wait until we can all be together.

So congratulations to Angie, Dan, and Sofia! And welcome to the world Ana Mercedes - you are so loved!

To hear more about the Angie and her little family, follow them here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ella - 7 Months Old

I need to update her other monthly pictures, but I didn't want to hold out on letting anyone see the cuteness that is my girl at 7 months! She woke up so happy from her nap today that I figured it was a perfect time for her and Grover to have a photoshoot! She is sitting up so well these days, so I figured I would try her mini rocking chair, which as you can see, she loved! This was a bit emotional for me, though. Jeff and I bought this little rocking chair about a week before Ella was born. We thought it would look cute, but never really thought she'd actually be able to sit it in it, but Ella, yet again, surpised us both!

Ella has been a true joy lately. Jeff and I have loved every second of this age and we are finding that each day gets a little bit sweeter...and easier. She truly is the happiest baby and never ceases to amaze us. She is grabbing toys, sitting up, babbling, and eating her veggies! She loves her bananas and sweet potatoes, and much to her Grandmother's chagrin, even likes peas. The beginning of February she wasn't too happy and we later realized why: she had two teeth break thru! Ella was a pro and only wimpered a few nights, but other than that she is pretty much sleeping through the night and such a content little girl.

A few Ella facts as of today...

- she LOVES sitting and playing in her high chair

- her favorite toy these days is a giraffe

- she experienced her first real snow last week and seemed to love it

- she loves her bath time with her Daddy and loves the toys even more

- she LOVES her Daddy...they cuddle and play and she lights up when he's around

And most importantly, Ella has her priorities...

February has been a busy month...

We ate our veggies...

Got snowed in for far too long...

Yes, that's me with her giraffe hanging from my pony-tail. No comment.
We jumped around looking like a drunk hobo...

We cuddled with Scott and Grandma Lucy... (also to her Garndmother's chagrin)

Got dressed up for Ella's first fancy dinner party and night on the town...

Was very upset when Christina Aguilera flubbed the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner...geez!

Grew very nervous at the end of the Super Bowl while cheering on the Pack...

And then happily jumped with excitement as the Packers became Super Bowl Champs...

I also felt like it was important to include a few things that can not be documented with a picture, but are certainly blog-worthy...

Our friend we used to refer to as Ben, but now as "The guy who gave my baby Splenda" gave my baby Splenda. He lived, but more importantly so did Ella.

Uncle Time referred to ME as the "cool, fun parent". Let me type that again, but in bold, the "cool, fun parent". However, out of love and respect for my husband, I will not say what Uncle Tim called Jeff, but lets just say it is the opposite of, "the cool, fun parent".

We have had a great few weeks surrouned by friends and family. Each day is a new adventure with Ella and we are loving every second. Jeff is been home a lot lately and we are having a ball! We feel very blessed and grateful to be Ella's parents!

So cheers to my sweet, happy, not so little 7-month old baby girl...

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Birthday to Grandma!

I often tell my friends that I have the best mother in law in the world. And I'm sure its pretty gutsy of me to write this down for all the world to see, but I really do believe that I do. She is always there for us and absolutely ADORES Ella, so yes, I think I have a fantastic mother in law. More importantly, Ella has a Grandmother that loves her as much as I love her, which is priceless. Even on her special day she thought of Ella...

Ella enjoying her V-Day loot from Grandma & Grandpa!

We hope you have an awesome day and we can't wait to see you soon!


Em, Jeff, & Ella

And of course we can't forget that today is also Nana's 91st birthday! (Notice I did NOT disclose Grandma's age)

Happy Birthday to Nana...

Will You Be My Valentine?

This year Jeff chose his Valentine before I could call dibs. These two are pretty darn cute, huh? Definitely the loves of my life!

Happy Valentine's Day!